Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Reflective Journal

Tuesday 19th June.

Today we created new blogs for this communication course, N101. We filled in our personal details and  I read & corrected them where necessary..

Wednesday 20th June

I introduced the students to the vocabulary quizzes in WebCTVista. I did quiz 1 in class.

Thursday 21st June

Omar has completed  all 10 quizzes in double-quick time.

Sunday 24th June

The 4 students held their meeting activity this afternoon. The personnel, venue, agenda, minutes & recommendations are above.

Monday 25th June

The meeting was about traffic congestion. The students worked together to produce a clear & coherent agenda.

Mohd Shams opened the meeting, read out the items on the agenda, and guided the discussion from one item to the next; he did this quite well but occasionally the discussion flipped from one item to another. Mohd was aware of this and pointed out that, to some extent, it was inevitable as several points in the discussion were inter-connected.

Hasan took notes throughout the meeting and afterwards the four students divided up the task of typing up the notes for posting in their blogs.

Omar and Ahmed Saleh were active participants. I thought beforehand Omar might prove rather reticent but, nicely encouraged by Mohd, he made his opinions known clearly and often quite forcefully.

The discussion was quite wide-ranging with Ahmed making observations about the traffic system in Seattle and Hasan about Los Angeles.

When it came to recommendations, Mohd invited each student to say which of the possible solutions they had discuseed was the most viable and why. Mohd & Omar went for road improvements, Hasa for an integrated, co-ordinated traffic light system and Ahmed, while agreeing with the importance of road improvements was very keen on an educational programme aimed at young drivers. Mohd suggested that a combination of all solutions might be best and the others all agreed, so the meeting ended harmoniously.

It was an interesting and informative meeting and a pleasure to attend & listen to; very worthwhile & enjoyable.

256 words

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