Date: 03.07.2012
Venue: T001
Time: 1530
Topic: Global Warming
Presenter: Mohd Shams
Again Mohd tended to read text from slides e.g. the introductory slide and the slide listing the reasons for global warming.
Some textual/grammatical infelicities e.g. global;warning & a umber of issues.
Content: rather anodyne; just the usual list of dire warnings & horrendous consequences.
Mohd spoke loudly & quite clearly.
The fielding of quastions was rather vague & sketchy.
Slides lacked visual impact: few colourful pictures or informative charts.
Date: 03.07.2012
Venue: T001
Time: 1545
Topic: Electricity
Presenter: Omar
Omar ran through the history of the development of electrical products, e.g. Thomas Edison's light bulb.
Slides: quite attractive & reasonably informative.
Dagrams of power system colourful & clear.
Evidence of some degree of critical thinking when discussing renewable energy e.g. solar energy is an attractive idea for some (sunny) countries like the UAE but is costly & impractical at present.
Date: 04.07.2012
Venue: T001
Time: 1515
Presenter: Hasan
He spoke quite clearly & confidently, without reading from notes or chunks of prose from the slides.
Numerous apellung errors e.g. constenpiole & assosiated & erratic capitalisation e.g. stoker & hungarians.
Slides: quite colourful & informative but error-strewn & not as well-prepared as they could have been.